Monday, 11 May 2020

SandraBravo.TV Miracles Mindset Mentor

Sandra Bravo => SandraBravo.TV

See in your mind what you want to see in your self. This will give you the confidence to

Your coinfidence is yours and cannot be giving away.

Success =
80% Mindset   /  20% Stategy

Mindset is everything

The time for me, the joy of my life

If you are not growing, you are dying.

I let go of connection with people who were lowering my energy vibration.

The better you become at releasing emotions the happier, healthier and wealthier

Bravo Method

B=Breath - Rise or lower energy of vibration
R=Releasing (Angry, Fear, Stress, Negative, Pain, Hurt, Emotion) 20 minutes
A=Appreciation (Life, Healthier, Wealthier)
O=Open (to receive from the heart) Open your heart to receive and let the universe surprise you!

I am grateful for every single day in my life, for every person who is already in my life and all the people will come into my life, grateful for every moment spend with positive people.

The more sense I involve, the faster I can manifest.

Morning and night, visualise positive things as many times as possible.

The science of getting rich

Repetition is so important. It get ingrained into our subconscious mind.

When you are doing a challenge, people are looking at you.

Being lonely is TOXIC!

Almost nothing worth accomplishing can be done alone.

You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.

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