Wednesday 6 May 2020

Success Resources Virtual Events - Mind Squad - Day 2

Covid-19 Lockdown! This is your wake up call!

06/05/2020, Wednesday 4pm, attending this free virtual webinar at home during covid-19 lockdown, stay at home, stay safe. This the 2nd days Mind Squad events organised by Success Resources Virtual Events.

All this while I have listened from the news how good and powerful is ZOOM app. With this webinar, I have the chance to test out the app and it is perfect for video conferencing like this.

Today guest is Robin Banks = Rob In Banks? Ha! Ha!

Conscious Evolution - Navigating The Crisis

How Are You Feeling About The Current Crisis?


"Change is not a force to be feared, but an opportunity to be seized" ~ Sam Weiss

Inner And Outer Worlds

Inner World
  • Thoughts
  • Feelings
  • Attitudes
  • Beliefs
Outer World
  • Circumstances
  • Situations
  • What's happening
  • Physical reality
"When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves. Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: that last of the human freedom-to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's own way" ~ Viktor Frankl 

The Law Of Constant Change
  • Everything in the Universe is in the process of changing and so are you.
  • You will change whether you want to or not because you cannot and will not remain the same.
  • Use this to your advantage by
  1. Recognising it
  2. Actively participating in it.
The 3C's Of Change
  1. Change
  2. Choice
  3. Crisis
Change Can Come As A:
  1. Feather
  2. Brick
  3. Bus
Navigating The Crisis
  • Acknowledge the Fact - I am in Crisis
  • Have you been in Crisis before? (Yes/No)
  • Did you get out of the crisis? (Yes/No)
  • You ALWAYS get out of Crisis
  • Crisis can Make or Break you: 100% Your Choice
  • NEVER let a good crisis go to waste!
  • Post Traumatic Growth
  • Change the Narrative: I will Emerge even greater as a result of this crisis

I will emerge even greater as the result of the crisis - Repeat this as many times

"In a crisis, just like in a storm, it's very important to get the fundamentals right in order to navigate your way through the troubled waters" ~ John Kehoe (Mind Power)

The Fundamentals
  • Sharpen Your Focus
  • Find balance between relaxation & creativity
  • Worry about yourself
  • Body
  • Mind
  • Soul

Gain control once you lost control. Learn how to gain control of yourself once you lost control.

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