Thursday 7 May 2020

Success Resources Virtual Events - Mind Squad - Day 3

T. Harv Eker

Don't believe every words I said.

Practice Happiness Now (was printed on the wall of his home study room)

There is no economy, there is ONLY my economy. 

50% of Forbes companies started during the last recession.

Buy when there is blood in the streets ~ Barren Rothchild

There are a lot of people remain broke when the economy is good. Many have done extremely good and sky rocketing during bad time and bad economy.

1) Don't listen to broke people. Unless you want to be broke! Broke people always tell you negative things. They are always a loser. There loser in their life. Loser in economy and success.

He quoted Warrent Buffet quote

Buy when there is blood in the streets

My economy is GREAT!

1st Phase - Resist What It Is - 80% people resist what it is? How? By pushing back and being negative.
2nd Phase - Acceptance what it is. How to handle it? Come back to present moment. Fear not present at the moment. Fear is anticipation of pain.
3rd Phase - Utilize What It Is - The Principle Of Ultilization. Use this situation for my benefit or benefit of others

I utilize what it is.

Nothing has meaning except I give the meaning.

I am a MAGICIAN, using my magic wand to transform my business, personal development and interests!

Take advantage of opportunity not on people. Never take advantage of people. Opportunity is everywhere.

Learning to improve, video editing, training people online, giving people for free, collect database, marketing, list, sharing it with others, build network, get reference.

Free is good as most people no money to spend.

Teach people to change their life to as much people as you can so they can be happy.

Empowered Consumerism.

The most important thing to any business is TRUST!

People do business with people they know, like and trust.

I create my reality of the pandemic through my interpretation of what the covid-19 virus is.

In business - where are you truly coming from?
To help as much as many people as I can.
Money is the by products of the service and value that you provide to others.
When you think about business, you really come from your heart, really wanting to assist people.

"Help enough people get what they want and you will get what you want" ~ Zig Ziglar

The Good Millionaire - Make a lot of money by helping a lot of people. An extraordinary book about overcoming your limiting beliefs, finding a profitable business idea and building true wealth. His new book.

You can be kind, generous, loving, balanced, spiritual and feally really freaking rich.

This is TOO GOOD!!!!! Perfect!!!!!! Get-Give-Get-Give-Get-Give!!! The more you GIVE the more you GET! BEAUTIFUL!!!

Broke people will lose it all, rich people will have it all.

That is why our MINDSET is so important to MASTER first.

Master the mindset the capacity of human. Abundance mentality, first law of attraction.

Abundance is paramount... and all people must have this.

Get to a place where you can HELP because you WANT to HELP!!! What a great place to be in.

Nobody makes money. We have to EARN money from other people providing goods and service and value to others.

All your money come from other people. I get all my money from other people solving their problems. We give them the solution. People give you their money because they want a big or little problem solved.

Become a problem solver for other people and be rewarded with their money. I get pay of solving problems. I am a problem solver.

Entrepreneur = who solves problem for people for profit.

Money is result. Do not focus on money, focus on solving problems. Focus on helping other people. Money is a result of solving problems for people. Prepare the mind, solve a lot of problems for a lot of people.

I want to solve a lot of problems for many people. I would rather help more people than less people.

Teach other how to solve problem.

Where your heart, your head and your hands all meet up with the demand of the market place. Go for what resonates with you and that you believe in and for something that has potentially help you.

You don't have to be perfect.

Demand base on needs and fear.

Don't look for opportunity, look for problems and create an opportunity because we are problem solvers.

Problems are so easy to find. Problems are everywhere! People got a lot of problems. I am great at finding problems.

Help people so you get rich. If you want to get rich, don't look for opportunities, look for problems.

You are the creator of your life so create new habits and ways of being.

Work from home is here to stay.

No.1 key to success is action! Massive and Immediate Action. Fear is killing your success. Action in FEAR. Result is the new sexy. FEAR (False Expectations Appearing Real)

Our mind is like a bodyguard looking for everything that's goes wrong!!

TFAR => Thoughts + Feeling + Action = Results

You are your mind set. Calm down our mind. Master your mind.

You MUST learn to master Your Mind. Train your mind to work for you and not against you. I CONTROL my mindset. You are what you think.

You must learn to master your mind to support you than to stopping you!

Ask the mind to trust you. I can handle it. be your mind's best friend.

Physical Action For Physical Money

Practice Happiness Now

Love + Happiness + Wealth = Perfect Combination

Don't believe what you think

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